Trigrr needed to reposition its proptech solution to differentiate it from every other smart building offer in the marketplace. It also needed to redirect messages towards owners and operators of buildings, instead of facilities managers.
Through an intensive period of learning and collaboration, several key differentiators for Trigrr were defined. Including the speed at which its building operating system can be implemented, its suitability for buildings of any age, adaptability to any hardware or software with the ability to “talk” and the metalanguage that enables all these things to happen.
The final positioning defined Trigrr as a Building Opportunity System and gave a name to the metalanguage of Trigrrnometry to support the telling of the technical story. The first outing for the new positioning was an investor presentation, followed by a proptech industry event. Key messages were written for all job titles Trigrr aimed to sell to.
Project role
Competitor research and analysis
Core positioning
Key message development
Website editing