
Visual brand by Philosophy Design

Clarasys wanted a visual and verabl brand that was differentiated and exciting, that separated them from the traditional management consultancy set and was fit-for-purpose for the next 10 years.

The positioning needed to express the team’s achievements and help position the organisation for growth. It had to catpure the genuinely different culture of the business and the impact of its work. It also needed to give the team the tools to talking vividly about what they do to potential customers and new recruits.

Through a series of internal workshops and a review of client feedback, the Clarasys brand story was writen and from this came the final positioning of The Experience Consultancy. End to end. Through and through.

These simple lines captured Clarasys’s distinctive culture and approach, referenced the digital transformations the consultancy produces for clients and reinforced the people-centric experiences Clarasys defines and delivers.

Work on the core positioning led to writing of key messages, case study editing, corporate brochure copywriting and brand guidelines creation.

Project role

  • Research interviews and workshops

  • Strategy development

  • Brand story, positioning and key messages

  • Copywriting

  • Brand guidelines




Gatsby Education